Juan Padron is from Venezuela. He is a software developer and he is planning to get his M.S. in Visual Computing in Germany.
Prepositions with Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs.
Prepositions are sometimes so firmly wedded to other words that they have practically become one word. (In fact, in other languages, such as German, they would have become one word.) This occurs in three categories: nouns, adjectives, and verbs.
approval of
awareness of
belief in
concern for
confusion about
desire for
fondness for
grasp of
hatred of
hope for
interest in
love of
need for
participation in
reason for
respect for
success in
understanding of
- I need to get the approval of the German embassy to get a visa to live there.
- Many people in the world have no awareness of the situation in Venezuela.
- Many people have a belief in God.
- Some people have no concern for others.
- There is a lot of confusion about the presidential elections in Ecuador.
- I have a an enormous desire for learning.
- I have a fondness for my pets.
- You need a good grasp of math in order to work in computer graphics.
- Sometime I have a hatred of politicians.
- I have a hope for a better world.
- I have an interest in computer graphics.
- I have a love of chocolate.
- Most people have a need for companionship.
- The participation in an exercise class is mandatory in Venezuela.
- My reason for living is to be happy and eat whatever I want.
- You should have respect for other cultures.
- Success in life means you are happy, healthy, wealthy, wise and free.
- I have a basic understanding of chemistry.